Root Cause Care for Optimal Health
We understand conventional healthcare often misses the mark. Our functional approach will guide you and your family on a personalized path of true healing.
How Can We Support You & Your Family?
Our clients regularly experience results they were told were impossible. We are committed to your healing, take your concerns seriously, and address them from the root-cause. We are specialists in:
GI Solutions
Mold Toxicity
5 Essential Ways To Become Healthy & Free
My personal guide to actually break free…for FREE!

Hi, I’m Dr. Seth Gerlach, Functional Medicine Practitioner, health freedom advocate, and family man. As an adolescent, my growing list of mystery symptoms left me feeling chewed up and spit out by the conventional medicine system. I know how blessed I am to have ultimately found my way back to health through the guidance of great practitioners. It has become my mission to help others who are sick - just like I was - to find real answers to their health challenges. I’m here to dig deep, pull back the curtain, provide hope and help you reclaim your health.