Get Ready for Your Discovery Call with Dr. Seth

We can’t wait to meet you!

This 20 minute call is designed to gain a real understanding of your health - where you’re at and where you want to be. If we’re a good fit to work together, Dr. Seth will make his recommendation for your path to 1:1 care with our team.

Please review the path options below and we’ll be happy to answer any questions during your discovery call.

Congratulations on taking the next step to better your health!

The Path to 1:1 Care Options

Your journey to optimal health begins with your 20 minute discovery call with Dr. Seth. During this time Dr. Seth will make a recommendation for an Initial Appointment with either himself our Olivia, our resident FNTP. If you have your Initial Appointment with Olivia, you will move on to a la carte support. If you have your Initial Appointment with Dr. Seth, you will have the option to continue with either in-depth support with Dr. Seth or a la carte support with Olivia.

Discovery Call

Initial Appointment with Dr. Seth | $449

Initial Appointment with Olivia, FNTP | $289

In-Depth Support with Dr. Seth

  • 4 months duration

  • Unlimited email/messaging support

  • Comprehensive personalized functional medicine plan

  • Follow-up support visits with Dr. Seth

  • 20% off labs & supplements

  • $2219 package ($1997 with prepayment discount)

A la carte Support with Olivia

  • Follow-up support visits as needed

  • Personalized protocol

  • $179 a la carte